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Created 1-Nov-15
Modified 18-Sep-22
Visitors 62
161 photos

Guestbook for 2015 football Varsity vs. RV Senior Night
Proud Aunt(non-registered)
Feeding you both was messy and still filled your bellies to grow and gain energy to play so innocently while nighttime hours were difficult at times to manage. I would reach over to comfort on babysitting duties knowing it wouldn't last. I couldn't wait to have conversations with you. So many schooled teachings, playground rules closely monitored and friendships made in elementary school may still be standing loyal where new ones took their place. Climbing out of childhood to teenage feelings about oneself and others. The eagerness to drive reaching over my arms to get a feeling of independence. I watched you practice K turns, sports were played in the community and during school pride you were taught how to contribute to a team looking for the similar goals beyond the goal posts. Regardless to the win or loss, the connection with others grew even further bonds.
Sitting behind the wheel doing K turns and such you were eager for independence.
Yet, you just had a graduation gown on from 8th grade to a gown symbolizing the end of 12 years to reflect upon, the education learned in school and outside and within the parameters of a parent's guidance. Introspection would become prominent after playing with innocence in your hearts. Now right from wrong had stronger consequences that might effect your future. The monkey bars left behind was once enough to put a smile on your faces. I'm not that little girl that did just the same, seeing now how life comes full circle and repeats itself with wonderment of the old like vinyl records taking over the lull of a cd. Time traveling is what we do best. It passes without our effort.
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